Why Thermography?

TIME Magazine

"The biggest problem with the U.S. health-care system is that it has long been designed to respond to illness rather than prevent it. When we do get a cancer evaluation, too often it's a diagnosis of advanced disease that has spread beyond the initial tumor site.

"Not only is this a deadly way to practice medicine, but it's also a breathtakingly expensive one."

Source: TIME Dec 1, 2008

Over the past 50 years the U.S. health-care system has only offered women "seek and destroy" as the sole medial strategy for breast cancer. That strategy has been oversold and still persists, even though it has not delivered the anticipated answer to eliminating or even reducing the incidence of the disease. Some experts even believe it has done far more harm than good.

Any war strategist would tell you it's time to prepare for a different strategy.

How is thermography different?

Thermography does not see cancer. It's too late by the time it can be "seen." Cancer spends the huge majority of its life as a microscopic organism. The chart, below, illustrates the growth of a cancer from initial damaged cell to detectable tumor.


In the News

Explore these important articles exploring women's health, breast health, medical lies and myths, and critical information about your heath!

NYTimes article

New York Times : Feb 12 2014

Vast Study Casts Doubts on Value of Mammograms

25 years and 90,000 women later shows no benefit of mammograms versus breast exams.



ChicagoTimes article

"Too much mammography" concludes Britsh Medical Journal.




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  • Why Thermography? +

    "The biggest problem with the U.S. health-care system is that it has long been designed to respond to illness rather Read More
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    Explore these important articles exploring women's health, breast health, medical lies and myths, and critical information about your heath! New Read More
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    Infrared Imaging in Medicine - Hairong Qi, Nicholas A. Diakides The Neoplastic Transformation Potential of Mammography X Rays and Atomic Bomb Read More
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The treatment I received from Lisa Kalison stands in sharp contrast to treatment received at mammography and imaging centers. She educates and supports her clients to a degree I've never experienced from any healthcare provider. She takes her time, listens to you, and respects your dignity. The technique used -- thermography -- is noninvasive yet provides critical insights into your body's functioning, serving as a foundation for future improvement. This is cutting-edge technology! I will definitely integrate it into my annual wellness care -- with Lisa, of course, conducting the thermal imaging scans.

Gerardeen M. Santiago, PhD

Discovery Screening : Saving your Breast Friends!